Mapping in Urban Humanitarian Response (Urban webinar #8)

24 Jul 2014
13:00 - 15:00, GMT

This ALNAP Urban Webinar focused on the use of mapping in urban humanitarian response. It addressed broader questions of how humanitarians can harness technology to help them understand complex urban systems, what different types of mapping are available to humanitarians and what needs to change in order to better integrate mapping efforts into humanitarian response. It highlighted the experiences of where REACH using mapping in remote and direct access assessments in the Syria response. The presentations were followed by a Q&A session.

Gabriele Almon, World Vision International Fellow & GIS Specialist, gave a presentation on how the urban landscape is expected to change in the next 15 years, how NGOs can benefit from mapping this rapid urbanization, along with how the humanitarian industry leveraging urban populations to crowd-source life-changing information.

REACH have an enormous amount of experience with urban mapping as part of assessments in a variety of urban contexts, including the Philippines, Somalia, North Syria and Jordan. REACH presented their experiences using mapping in two scenarios: remotely managed multi-sector urban assessments in Aleppo, and direct access assessments with host and refugee communities in urban Jordan.