Addressing specific vulnerabilities through integrated climate and disaster risk governance: Lessons from the Philippines

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Publication language
Date published
14 Dec 2020
Research, reports and studies
Accountability and Participation, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Gender, Governance, humanitarian action, Humanitarian Principles, Inclusion, Climate Action (SDG)

This study is aimed to identify gaps and good practice drawing from findings and experiences collected in the Philippines. The rationale for the selection of this country as a case-study is multifaceted. First, it is one of the most exposed in the world to the impact of weather and climate-related hazards. This has led its authorities to consider DRRM and CCA as strategic priorities, and therefore to establish the articulated regulatory and institutional framework. The second reason is related to the country’s profile. The Philippines belong to the category of the newly industrialized countries, namely a subset of developing countries experiencing higher rates of economic growth, with direct socio-demographic effects such as massive urbanization and increasing social inequalities and marginalization. This partially differentiates the research context from the previous study undertaken as part of this project, focusing on Pacific Island Countries.

The Report results from a combination of desk-based analysis and empirical research conducted in the country via digital means through interviews with key informants, including governmental officials involved in DRM activities; parliamentarians; IFRC and Philippine Red Cross (PRC) staff; representatives of civil society organisations/associations active in relevant sectors; and academics with relevant expertise.

International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies