Impact Measurement and Accountability in Emergencies - The Good Enough Guide

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2007
World Vision International
Accountability to affected populations (AAP)
Emergency Capacity Building Project

The basic elements of accountability and impact measurement are the foundation on which The Good Enough Guide was developed. The basic elements listed below were drawn up by representatives of the seven agencies of the Emergency Capacity Building Project at a workshop in Nairobi in February 2006.

Basic elements of accountability At a minimum, humanitarian project staff should:

1. Provide public information to beneficiaries and other stakeholders on their organisation, its plans, and relief assistance entitlements.

2. Conduct ongoing consultation with those assisted. This should occur as soon as possible at the beginning of a humanitarian relief operation, and continue regularly throughout it. ‘Consultation’ means exchange of information and views between the agency and the beneficiaries of its work. The exchange will be about:

• The needs and aspirations of beneficiaries

• The project plans of the agency

• The entitlements of beneficiaries

• Feedback and reactions from beneficiaries to the agency on its plans and expected results

3. Establish systematic feedback mechanisms that enable:

• Agencies to report to beneficiaries on project progress and evolution

• Beneficiaries to explain to agencies whether projects are meeting their needs

• Beneficiaries to explain to agencies the difference the project has made to their lives

4. Respond, adapt, and evolve in response to feedback received, and explain to all stakeholders the changes made and/or why change was not possible.