Menu of Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) Related Questions for Multi-Sector Needs Assessments

Publication language
Date published
27 Jun 2018
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Accountability to affected populations (AAP), Multi-sector/cross-sector, Participatory data collection, Needs assessment

This menu of AAP needs assessment questions provided by REACH and the IASC AAP PSEA Task Team was designed for multi-sector needs assessments (MSNAs) at the collective level for Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs). These questions will help HCTs understand how affected people wish to receive information, provide feedback and participate in decisions about the overall response.  They will also enable HCTs to develop a picture of how affected people feel about the response and the behaviour of aid workers and subsequently adapt the response and/or take appropriate action.

The content of the questions has been endorsed by the IASC AAP PSEA Task Team.

The Task Team is working closely with REACH and OCHA to include as many of these questions in the 2019 Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) MSNAs in a number of countries.