Statement by Principals of the IASC on AAP in Humanitarian Action

Publication language
Date published
14 Apr 2022
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Accountability to affected populations (AAP)

This statement affirms the commitment of the IASC to ensure that Accountability to Affected People (AAP) is central to principled humanitarian action. It also pledges to support Humanitarian Coordinators (HCs), Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs), clusters and individual agencies to prioritize the implementation of this commitment in all humanitarian operations.

An accountable humanitarian system, where decision-making power is in the hands of those affected by crisis, is central to humanitarian action. We are committed to ensuring that humanitarian action protects and restores human dignity, remains relevant and effective, leaves no one behind, and upholds humanitarian principles. 

As humanitarians, our primary responsibility is to people affected by crisis. They are the sole reason our institutions and programmes exist. How communities experience and perceive our work is the most relevant measure of our performance. Hence, our  accountability to them is paramount and must be acted upon. It is non-negotiable, at all times.