Engaging with people affected by armed conflicts and other situations

Vinck, P., Bennett, A. and Quintanilla, J.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2018
Research, reports and studies
Accountability to affected populations (AAP), Assessment & Analysis, Conflict, violence & peace, Engaging with affected populations, Inclusion, Organisational Structure
Use in Humanitarian Programme Cycle
All phases of the HPC

The aim of this discussion paper is to provide, with an added focus on conflict and other violent settings, an updated “state of play” on where the humanitarian sector stands on community engagement and accountability. The frequent overlap – and impossible dissociation – between systemic and conflict-specifc issues means that a number of the findings in this discussion paper, and ensuing recommendations, echo the existing literature and research.

This discussion paper details some of the systemic and context-specific issues that humanitarian organizations face when trying to engage with, and be accountable to, people affected by conflict and violence (see Main findings). It finds that addressing these additional and often overlapping layers of complexity requires a number of fundamental changes, both at an organizational level and at a humanitarian system level.